Interventional Massage

This isn't 'just a massage,' it's an intervention. 

There are many people out there who have not been able to find improvement to their chronic pain, scoliosis, migraines, Lupus and more. It is them we specialize in with a results guarantee unlike anything else out there. 

(Not yet open to the broad public as we work on building local comradery that we need in order to do what we do. For those in truly dire need for an intervention may feel free to reach out. Especially if you're starting to feel enraged about healthcare CEOs!)

Note: We are presently on a short break as we take some time for healing. However, for those interested in our compassionate trades community program, click here

For anyone grappling with chronic pain conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Scoliosis, Migraines, or any unresolved health issues, we extend an open invitation to join our non-funded, pay-as-you-can case series. Despite starting with a modest pool of 10 clients, we've observed significant success rates.

We're also actively seeking a partnership with a university or a reputable organization. Our aim is to ensure the legitimacy and integrity of our upcoming study by demonstrating that we aren't cherry-picking cases. We want to contribute authentic, valuable insights to the scientific community.

In addition to any companies or entities struggling with symptoms of stress, burnout, turn over etc. to take part in our pro bono pilot business consultation program that involves getting to know the way things are empathically and then giving economical or even costless solutions geared to help with the root of those issues. 

Please don't hesitate to contact us, we look forward to hearing from you!

All of our potential work is backed by a results guarantee. Generally if your pain doesn't improve permanently by 1/10 per appointment, and you complete the self care homework given, then the massage is on us! This applies to any chronic pain pathology including scoliosis, migraines, fibromyalgia, lupus and more. Check out our results guarantee page for specifics on how this works and what you can expect or the work is on us at no risk to you!

Current number of clients who didn't feel we achieved permanent results = 1, who reported they experienced no adjunctive relief for their migraines in two appointments despite offers for free follow up work. They had also reported they had been doing the homework, but often struggled to define what it was.  

How can we offer a results guarantee in general? Check our literary review on our breakthroughs with massage therapy . That document explains everything we know in the general subject of mechanical healing. 

Inspirational story playlist HERE

Call for a free consultation!

We invite you to book an appointment with us in our breath-taking tropical-like spa, choose from a large selection of modalities, services and add-ons at no extra charge. After we take your breath away we'll leave you feeling more refreshed, energized and pain free than you may have thought possible. We also stand by a results guarantee for our work. If at the end of the massage, you don't feel results with your presenting concerns then the massage is on us. (terms and conditions apply- see the booking page)

Note: We currently have enough volunteers for a free massage. We will be posting their results regardless of outcome.

Can't afford a massage? Let us know and we'll check current donations amounts. Otherwise you can get a free massage if you're willing to give a filmed feedback section at the end and a release of resulting medical records from your doctor! 

Special shout out to Business Talk Radio for having us on! They are truly giants fighting to make a powerful difference while also providing a strong platform for others with positive voices. Things could easily get worse or better in our lives, relationships, business and society at large- but all depending on our willingness to begin dealing with the demons within our own mind less our good intentions turn into cautionary tales… 

Free Massage Special (Casting)

(Note: Presently filled but looking for athletes and individuals with long term chronic migraines)

This offer is for anyone who's been working with their doctor, specialists and potentially other massage therapists but have not seen results with one of the below conditions that we've become able to routinely get results in, from either directly working on related muscular issues or indirectly.  If you think there's no hope for you, think again. If you think something that powerful would never be free, think again and submit herein.

As our lives become more and more stressful, we fail to recognize the very strange fact that stress is not so much our reaction to situations and events that we find ‘stressful’… but more and more commonly it’s the very thing that’s causing them…  It's time to break our chains...

Read about the effects of stress and fight or flight here

Stay tuned for our upcoming research and literary review on what we feel may help revolutionize the massage therapy world!

As with our testimonials, our current passion is to test the very limits of what massage therapy can do by working arm in arm with the AMTA and a plethora of other entities and professionals. Based on our 'theory of freed muscular energy,' we are excited to we working on better codifying our hard learned lessons into AMTA online free courses to possible become part of a nation wide case study. If those findings have enough merit we may then be able to launch a peer review study into the effects of massage therapy as a whole as well as our own techniques on a host of pathologies. 

Regardless of your chronic pain levels, pathology or neuropathy we would be excited to see how much we can help you.

Generally speaking, massages are usually designed to either relax you and feel great, OR be medically based with stated goals that every session hopes to achieve over a long period of time.  We believe a massage should BOTH feel amazing AND  lead to permanent  gains.

Effective healing requires strategy, cunning, an assortment of "weapons" (e.g. hot stones, steamed towels etc.) and a fully body mind approach. Besides the right touch, using an impressive array of tools, every square inch of our bodies need different pressure and depth to maximize recovery, health and  wellness.  A massage should both feel amazing AND gain dependable results, especially with fibromyalgia, scoliosis and many more ailments that even include migraines when muscular caused in nature. 

As in the about us page, this company was born out of unbridled desperation when Alexandra developed crippling levels of fibromyalgia. Despite seeing countless specialists they all said the best was could hope for was maintaining her symptoms and should go onto permanent disability. In true 'love vs the world' fashion, Jason engaged in over 1,500 hours of massage tehrapy training and far more in the hopes of helping ease his wifes' symptoms and saving her career. After years of hard work and research into a single pathology... he succeeded in helping his wife reach a chronic pain level of 0 and became a better runner than he. She also became successful in finally achieving residency as a veterinary oncologist. Yet, as miraculous as that was, we were still only at the beginning of our challenges.  Over the last 6 years Jasons full mission in life was just helping one person heal, his wife. And now he's proud to share the fruits of that challenge with his many clients, honored by their testimonials, and excited to be now working on packaging his hard earned insights into free online classes that may be able to turn into a clinical trial to see if his high level of success on smaller populations can be recreated across the country, as possibly, the world. It is Jason's firm belief that if the massage therapy industry can get better at their craft then we can go a long way to helping ease society of its pains and hopefully make real progress across others areas in society that much easier. 

A few safety massage therapy tips to stay safe when seeing other practices:

Every modality and add on that we deliver are presently included without any upgrade fees. Pay as you can is also accepted for those in need. We are different in that we have mastered modalities to New York grades, yet have combined that mechanical mastery with energy work and a mind body approach designed for the battlefield of life. 

Our Sessions Generally Include at no extra charge:

Steamed Towels

Precision Hot Stones


Topical Essential Oils 


Deep Tissue

Medical Massage



Fascia Blaster 

Suction Cups

Cool packs (usually as a finisher)

One insanely decked out massage room.

And more!

So what are you waiting for?