Recommended General Homework

Note: None of the attached is legally to be construed as advice. While I am happy to volunteer my time to the best of my ability all actions done on the part of participants are based on their own decisions. If anything negative is to happen outside of my supervision please let me know and I'll do what I can to help from a distance.  


Detailed Methodologies


Recommended Daily affirmations

1.      Play 30 minutes before you’re supposed to go to sleep. Then try to sleep when it finishes. Ideally take some melatonin etc ahead of time. And sleep in an ergonomic side lying position with a pillow between the legs and arms.


1.      Limitations

a.      Exercise to roughly 30% of what you feel you can do at a time. There should always be some feeling of challenge, otherwise nothing is happening. This limitation applies to amount of weight, speed of a walk, heat and cooling sensations etc

2.      Frequency

a.      Recovery based work should be no more than 30 30 seconds to a minute per area - repeated once every two hours ideally or at least morning and night.

3.      Inflammation control:

a.      Anytime an area feels particularly infamy, applying some peppermint essential oils to the area, possibly mixed with lavender or basil oil.

b.     If the air feels inflamed apply a cool pack, not an ice pack. Store ice packs in the refrigerator, not the freezer.

4.      Joint Support

a.      Be sure to have on hands various straps when you feel there is simply too much tension or pain on a joint. The pain is due to excess tension in the muscle and a weakening of the attachment site. The band literally helps hold the muscle in place. But it must be used sparingly otherwise it will cause atrophy to the attachment site that no longer needs to hold on it's own.

5.      Cardio

a.      walking ideally a few times a day. At first this may literally be 10 feet out the door with the goal each day of literally doing one more footstep. Being sure to wear ergonomic shoes that support the arch. At the very least put a wad of toilet paper in the middle of the shoe.

                                                  i.      If possible trying to do some old fashioned swimming once a week if possible or more.

6.      Corrective weight training

a.      Make a list of painful areas. Each of those areas should be added to an overall exercise routine comment with each area worked no more than 30 seconds to a minute. In the beginning this could even be about 5 seconds or less to feel that “comfortable challenge.”

b.     Before you do your routine, place your mix of essential oils on the targeted areas to help lessen inflammation and lightly increase energy ahead of time.

c.      Neck

                                                  i.      While leaning to the side on a couch do neck rotations.

1.      Repeat while leaning towards each other direction. Front, back, left, right.

d.     Back

                                                  i.      Falling face down on a bed lightly you lift your head up to get those posture muscles. Then lift your lower legs, then your entire legs. And slowly build up on this until you can do a full Superman were your arms and legs are off the bed and your head as well, looking like you're trying to fly.

                                                ii.      Romanian deadlifts, with very light weight that follows the “reasonable challenge” principle

1.      Start with this version and light weights. This health increases a slight spinal curve will be needed to best activate the postural muscles.

e.      Rows/Dumbbell Row                      

                                                  i.      Rows are great for posture muscles. If you don’t have access to a machine, lawnmowers (the video) are also sufficient.

f.        Bucket of rice

                                                  i.      great for the hands and feet. Only putting her hands or foot deep enough to achieve that reasonable challenge. Opening and closing your fingers and finding directions that are more challenging first period isolating your weakest movements.

g.      Other areas

h.      End with a 30 seconds steam towel massage that covers each of the worked areas.

                                                  i.      This will only require about 30 seconds to a minute of a moist towel in the microwave. Ideally the pressure of the massage follows the dynamic pressure principle of using just enough pressure that the muscle can easily handle. However if the pressure is too light that is OK.

1.      With pressure applied also work on moving the affected area as a light stretch

i.        Close with a coil pack placed to the affected areas for no more than 5 seconds. Additional time can be added if needed.

7.      Steam towel massage as needed.

a.      Muscle feels sore feel free to do a brief 10 to 30 seconds steamed towel massage on it, followed by a cool pack.

Warning: peppermint essential oil will temporarily increase blood flow momentarily but then we'll lead to a lower blood flow later on. Use it sparingly if on heart medication and don't use it at all with uncontrolled blood pressure issues.