Stories of Inspiration
Twelve powerful stories to help in your combat of wellness.
Video Playlist HERE
“Our greatest ability as humans is not to change the world but to change ourselves.” –Gandhi
The following eleven stories are, by far, my favorite and I personally find great power in their combination.
One of them was created by a client who came in the toughest state of existence I have ever seen a person in, yet she fought hard to climb back up. She became a very large source of inspiration for me by simply being herself and fighting her own inner daemons, and after this chapter, you’ll see why.
The boat of life (Video) - Don't worry about that which may drag you down, find land.
The chasm (Video) - Overcoming 'the chasm' is possible, but at the same time be sure to motivate your path forward with compassion over vengeance.
The burden (Video) - Let's not be the ones that carry the negativity we detest in 'others.'
The Samurai - We can find peace in danger, uncertainty and life by building our center and focusing on motion forward.
The Meditator (Video) - It's not about how seriously we take things, it's how well we learn to enjoy ourselves along the way.
Mona Lisa (Video)- Even if we're covered in mud and chains that hold us down, our value can never be contested.
Superman - Don't judge ourselves or others by kryptonite caused motionlessness, but by the strength inside.
The Inch (Video) - "The inches we need are everywhere around us. They're in every break of the game, every minute, every second. On this team we fight for that inch. On this team we tear ourselves and everyone else around us to pieces for that inch." -Every Given Sunday
Mt Everest - Don't look at the big picture. Set a course, then focus only on that next step.
The Wind and the Sun (Video) - How to help guide the actions of others.
The Alien Planet (Video) - Its serves no one to worry over them, find ways to be there for them or at least remain strong so that you can exist when they return.
The River (Video) - The river does not worry about its obstacles, it keeps moving.
I don’t think these stories can be over read or watched. These twelve stories are my favorite ones I share with virtually all clients and I hope you read them over and over whenever you feel there may be more darkness out there than light.
We can learn to face even potential death with nothing but swift pride and action. We don’t have to wait for things to get better. We can take our own small steps to make a difference, no matter how small, they ALLWAYS add up. We can learn to make those changes to our journey to make it one that’s potentially even enjoyable to live through. We can learn to let go of any disapproval of ourselves, or painful words we’ve heard from the past. We can learn to realize the life we once dared to dream.
“Become the change you wish to see in others.” -Gandhi
Photo by Julia Volk from Pexels